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20 August 2021




General manager of Oceanize Øyvind Sandnes (in the middle) with the new communication and project managers Trude Vareide-Giskås and Tormod Steen




Oceanize is gearing up for further growth


SINTEF draws expertise from Oceanize, which itself is investing in four exciting new hires. R&D project managers Trude Giskås and Tormod Steen are already well underway.


Oceanize has wind in its sails, and has received a lot of positive reviews lately. "We need to rethink waste. Oceanize in Nærøysund, north of Trøndelag, sees offshore plastic as astray resources and turns gray stone into gold. " Jonas Gahr Støre wrote an article in Dagsavisen a little over a month ago. This has also been noticed in the research communities. Among other things, SINTEF has recruited Helene Øyangen Lindberg from Oceanize, something general manager Øyvind Sandnes is proud of.


- It is a feather in our cap for us that we can recruit people to the largest research environments in Norway, and we are very happy on Helene's behalf, says Sandnes, who is also very happy with the new hires.


- We had many good applicants, which shows that we are an attractive place to work. Trude and Tormod stood out positively, and bring to the table the expertise we need to lift ourselves to a new level when we now increase our investment, Sandnes says.


The project managers are given the main responsibility for R&D, as well as the work of communicating the possibilities that lie in an increasingly circulating plastic cycle. In addition, Oceanize has hired Mari Janne Støle and Geir Emil Westrum on the market. These two will work with the upstream and downstream solutions, and will start work on 1 September.


- We have invested approx. 50 million at the facility at Matmortua last year alone, so no one should be in doubt that we are serious about our goal of becoming a national display center for plastic recycling, says Sandnes and adds that several major investments are in the pipeline. 


 - We have ambitions to become the market leader in the plastic fractions with the highest annual volume, and which are best suited for recycling. The main focus is on the aquaculture industry, they replace large quantities of plastic every year, at the same time as they have shown great willingness to participate in sustainable solutions for collection and recycling.


© 2024 Oceanize


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